Feza Gürsey: Celebrating an Exemplary Life

We commemorate 100th age of Feza Gürsey, one of the most influential physicists from Turkey. For this special seminar we are honored to have Prof. Dr. Kameshwar Wali from Syracuse University, an old collegue and friend of Feza Gürsey as well as one of the most renowned theoretical physicists alive. The event will be held via Zoom, and simulatenously broadcasted in our YouTube channel.

We will be using the "Fizik Haftasi" YouTube channel due to a technical difficulty with our channel.

July 5, 2021
17.00 Istanbul (GMT+3)
16.00 Berlin (CEST)
10.00 New York (EDT)

Who are Mekansız Fizikçiler?

We are a community of Turkish-speaking physics enthusiasts from all over the world. We have been trying to catch up with what’s happening in the scientific community as well as to deal with the precarity in academia together. We pursue knowledge by sharing our curiosity in different fields, experience online potentialities of the pandemic time, and explore the possibilities of “spaceless-ness”.